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FOG Pretreatment Application Form

Application and Procedures for Grease Pretreatment Equipment Installation

When is Pretreatment Required? All existing, newly constructed or remodeled establishments that serve or prepare food where grease may be introduced to the sewer system, shall have pretreatment facilities to prevent the discharge of fat waste, oil, or grease into the District’s sanitary sewer system.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • General Information

  • Business Contact Information

  • Property Owner Information

  • Equipment & Facility Information

  • Specific Facility Information

  • Agreement

    When submitting an application, the property owner (and customer/occupant if different from property owner) must agree to the following criteria: 1. Customer shall prepare and submit to the District for its approval, and thereafter comply with, a grease interceptor maintenance plan. The plan shall include provisions for regular inspection, grease reduction best management practices, grease removal, and reporting to the District on a schedule and in a format approved by the District. 2. When required by the District, customer shall take samples for analysis of fat, oil, and grease and provide results to the District. 3. Customer shall allow District personnel access to the grease interceptor during regular business hours, without prior notice, for the purpose of inspection and sampling. 4. Customer shall not allow use of any sinks other than those connected to the grease interceptor for rinsing or washing of any cooking utensils, dishes, pots or pans, or any meat products. 5. If customer fails to comply with these terms or the submitted grease interceptor maintenance plan, or if the District FOG discharge limits are continuously (defined as three consecutive testing periods) exceeded, or if the District’s sewer system is adversely affected by discharges from the facility, then the District may require installation of an interceptor vault designed according to Section 6.10.130(3)(C) of the District Code, or its successor to be installed at the owner’s expense. If the customer fails to comply, then, in addition to any other remedy available to the District, the District may disconnect the facility from the District’s sewer system. The Owner and Occupant agrees to indemnify and hold the District harmless from any claim, judgment, or damages of any kind arising from or related to disconnection of the facility from the District’s system. 6. Customer shall remove the grease interceptor and related fixtures when vacating the premises.
    By selecting “agree”, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the terms and conditions listed above.
  • Required Attachments

    The submitted application packet shall include the following: 1. A signed application and agreement. 2. Specification and drawing of the proposed grease pretreatment equipment to be installed. 3. Site plan showing building, sewer main and side sewer. 4. Plumbing & mechanical drawing showing all fixtures including grease interceptor. 5. Menu (or proposed menu). 6. If a variance is requested; a DETAILED description of the circumstances warranting a variance. 7. If a variance is requested; a Non-refundable Variance fee of $261.00. Please contact if you have questions.
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